Gearbox Software's Borderlands series hasn't changed all that much since making its debut back in late 2009. The Best PlayStation 5 Games The Best Single-Player Games on the PS5 The Best Console Exclusive Games on the PS5 The Best Single-Player Games on the PS5 The Best Single-Player Games on the PS5 The Best Horror Games on the PS5 The Best Horror Games on the PS5 The Best JRPGs on the PS5 The Best JRPGs on the PS5 The Best Fighting Games on the PS5 The Best Racing Games on the PS5 The Best Soulslikes on the PS5 The Best JRPGs on the PS5 The Best Adventure Games on the PS5 The Best Horror Games on the PS5 The Best Platformers on the PS5 The Best Rhythm Games on the PS5 The Best Twin Stick Shooters on the PS5 The Best Local Multiplayer Games on the PS5 The Best Local Multiplayer Games on the PS5 The Best Online Multiplayer Games on the PS5 The Best Battle Royale Games on the PS5 The Best Local Co-Op Games on the PS5 The Best Co-Op Third-Person Shooters on the PS5 The Best Free-To-Play Games on the PS5 The Best Free-To-Play Games on the PS5 The Best 4K & 60 FPS Games on the PS5 The Best Indie Games on the PS5 The Best-Looking Games on the PS5 The Best Free-to-Play Games on the PS5 The Best M-Rated Games on the PS5 The Best PS5 Games for Young Kids The Best PS5 Accessories in 2023