Typically, following that procedure will solve the issue of the window being too large. How to Fix your IBM SPSS License Authorization Wizard IF YOUR WINDOW TOO LARGE If you are experiencing the problem where the wizard is too large on your screen and you cannot click on the buttons, follow the procedure outlined before you do anything else. Another way it manifests is that the wizard simply does not open, which makes it impossible to activate the software. One way it manifests is that the wizard opens, but the window is too large for the screen and you cannot click on any buttons. This problem can manifest in two ways that I am aware of.

IBM SPSS Activation Problem Some users are unable to open their SPSS License Authorization Wizard.

It is recommended that you are relatively experienced with computers and using command lines. You can also visit the IBM SPSS Student Support Portal for help. This will require the use of the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac). This post will detail how to activate your if you are unable to open the SPSS License Authorization Wizard.