That will disable your rules, you should be able to delete them, or change them as normal. Messing up can get you get locked out of the game: Go to the modded challenges menu and enter the "disable rules" challenge. Undo/redo are wonky af: they are there only to save your ass sometimes, dont rely on them too much. (on AB+) random events can trigger Active item use rules (Ex: using glup counts as using the smelter, lol, blame nicalis) Stage specific rules wont work in greed mode: whats greed mode? Enter spawns babies: the api has no way to fix this, if you use the keyboard as p2, you can use right shift or right ctrl instead of enter to confirm. Some stuff doesnt work in co-op(co-op is not fully supported, still report any issues you find!). Some rule effects may not be retainted on quitting and continuing. Reimplement fixes for rerolling and void that makes it to where only an owner of a pedestal can affect it.Known IssuesList of the currently known issues that may or may not be resolved over time. Fair balancing for Satanic Bible and Tainted Keeper Players can press the DROP key (Left-Ctrl on Keyboard, Right Trigger on Controller) to change the owner of a pedestal. In boss rooms, pedestals will change the selected player as the item changes. It'll be obvious if a pedestal is assigned to player and to what player, since a nice overlay will appear with the player number and icon to who it belongs to. When a pedestal is assigned to a certain player, only that player in particular can actually grab it. However, all of these pedestals will be avaliable at once, with no borders, yet they will be assigned to a certain player. In treasure, angel, and planetarium rooms, there will be extra item pedestals for each player in the game. This twist with this one is how it manages this. This mod, like many others, makes coop gameplay more balanced by changing how item rooms and such. (This is a complete rework of my original mod, "Yet Another Co-Op Items Mod", same concept, but a lot more stable and better written then the previous)